Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sending a boy to do a man's job - September 27, 2011

At the very outset of this essay I need to remind my readers of what I said in the inaugural issue of "Hugh's News & Views" back on November 11, 2010.  These musings address a variety of matters, depending on the things about which I have been thinking and the mood I am in when I sit down to write.  They often are religious, biblical, or spiritual in nature, but not exclusively.  I also speak to subjects of contemporary culture, politics, sports, entertainment, etc.  I even like to share a little "Hugh-mor" with my readers every once in a while. 

Too, it is important to remember that these are my (Hugh's) "News & Views."  They may or may not coincide with your views. That is alright; you do not have to agree with me.  I only ask that you consider my viewpoint on whatever matter I choose to address.  If it is a religious matter and I give Bible book, chapter, and verse in support of what I say and you disagree with it, I humbly ask, "With whom are you disagreeing?"  If it is a non-religious matter, then there may very well be room for differing views of the matter.  Upfront I am alerting you to the fact that this essay is political in nature.  You are free to disagree—in whole or in part—with what I say.

Based on his record to date, it is my judgment that in November of 2008, the American electorate chose to send toWashington a boy to do a man's job.  Most now seem to recognize that fact.  Barack Obama's job approval ratings are at their lowest level!  His ability to lead and to do the job that he was elected to do and that needs to be done is now highly questioned. 

I am not a fan of Obama's.  He is the president of the United States and I pray for him.  The church where I preach remembers our governmental officials and leaders—local, state, and national—in most of the public prayers that are lifted up to the Lord in our public worship assemblies.  This is as it should be (I Timothy 2:1-2).  When Paul wrote the words of the text just cited, Nero, as foul a monster as has ever been imposed on a civilized people, was on the throne ofRome.  Yet Paul urged prayer for him and for "all who are in authority."  At the same time, it is in order in a democracy for people to work to change their leaders when it is obvious that those currently leading are inept and ineffective. 

It is becoming increasingly obvious to thinking people that Obama is in "over his head" and does not know how to lead our country through and out of the problems we face.  He had little experience as a leader when elected to the highest office in the land.  Political correctness seemed to have gotten the best of far too many people as they could see only the prospect of electing the first black person to the office of the presidency of the United States.  The shallowness and superficiality of such thinking is difficult for thoughtful people to comprehend.  Yet Obama's color and racial ethnicity has nothing to do with the matter. I am not opposed to a black person serving as president of the United States.  I have been impressed with the leadership of a number of political figures of color.  But we need in the White House a person of proven leadership ability, a person with experience, a person who will surround himself/herself with capable people to advise and who will guide their departments effectively, and who will do what is best for our country as a whole.

I do not know how President Obama will perform through the remainder of his term. If past performance is any indication of future performance, I am not very optimistic. I do not know who the Republican Party will choose to oppose him in November of 2012.  I do not know if  the Republican nominee will defeat Obama in 2012 and take office in January of 2013.  I only hope and pray that in the next presidential election we will give serious consideration to the person we vote for and not return to the White House "a boy to do a man's job"!

Hugh Fulford
September 27, 201

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