Tuesday, January 3, 2012


My friend and fellow preacher of the gospel, Lance Cordle, who has served the Lord's church in Calvert City, Kentucky for more than twenty years, recently set forth the following salient and succinct thoughts in an article titled "As You Begin Again, Remember . . . " With appreciation for his words of wisdom, I commend them to us all for thoughtful contemplation as we begin 2012.  

* God is faithful.

* The longest or the shortest journey begins with one step—the first one.

* It is important to learn the secret of contentment.

* Simplicity in life and lifestyle is desirable and attainable.

* Life is an adventure.

* Friends can help bear the burdens and share the joy.

* A need for change did not take place overnight.

* Long-lasting change will not be achieved overnight.

* Relapses are not uncommon.

* Tomorrow is another day.

* Many small battles won can bring about victory.

* Lost battles can teach important lessons.

* Discipline is not a four-letter word.
* The joy that comes with achievement is sweet indeed.

* Time spent in reflection and goal-setting is time well spent.

* You will not regret any good deed.

* Continued learning will promote healthy self-esteem.

* Reading good books will enrich your soul.

* Endurance can only be cultivated in the long run.

* A life well lived may contain regrets, but eventually they won't matter.

* Helping others is actually a way to help yourself.

* Regular Bible study can build you up and encourage you.

* Prayer is your communication-line with God.

* The blood of Christ still cleanses a Christian.

* Failure is not fatal . . . until it is final.

* God is good.

Hugh Fulford
January 3, 2012

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